
The Spinney Primary School

Teaching and Learning Together

The Spinney Primary School

Teaching and Learning Together

Uniform Information

A school uniform helps pupils feel part of the school community - smart, focused and ready to learn. It is important to our principle of equality that all children adhere to the same school uniform code. 


General clothing 

Our school uniform is a red or white polo shirt  or a plain white shirt, worn with grey or black trousers, skirt or pinafore dress. Alternatively, children may wear a red and white gingham dress. None of these items need have The Spinney's logo on ( though it is acceptable if they do). Clothing should not feature any other logos or text.


Sweatshirts, cardigans and fleeces

All children must wear a red sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece. Ideally the sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece should feature The Spinney's logo on it. These items can be bought at or from of the regular second-hand clothing sales organised by the Friends of the Spinney. Children cannot wear a hoodie as part of their school uniform. 



Children should wear stout black school shoes, not trainers (other than on PE days.)


PE days 

On days when children have a PE lesson, they may wear their PE trousers/shorts and plain white polo shirt to school but must still wear their red uniform top as usual. PE kit should be a polo shirt as above, with grey or black shorts or tracksuit bottoms. None of these items need have The Spinney's logo on (though it is acceptable if they do).

Clothing should not feature any other logos or text. On PE days children may wear white or black trainer instead of school shoes. 

Children cannot wear a hoodie as part of their PE kit. 




Our school dress code comprises any of the following:


School uniform


  • Red sweatshirts, cardigans or fleeces
  • Red or white polo shirts
  • Plain white shirts
  • Grey or black trousers, skirts or pinafore dress
  • Red and white gingham summer dresses


PE uniform


  • Black shorts, or jogging trousers
  • Plain white T-shirt tops
  • Plimsolls for indoor PE and (in the summer), trainers for outdoors


Additional Equipment


  • A named water bottle
  • A named bag
  • Wellington boots/spare shoes for the meadow and field



Please ensure that your child's clothes are marked with their name. Many parents purchase red rectangular book bags with the Spinney logo on.  Please understand that whilst these appear to be a great purchase, in our experience, these can cause problems as all book bags are identical.  When children are asked to collect their book bag, they are unable to find them quickly as there is a large pile of identical bags to search through.  Any sturdy bag in which books, lunch and water bottles can be carried will be perfectly acceptable. 


For Health & Safety long hair should be tied back (e.g. plaits or bunches) and only small stud earrings may be worn. These must be removed during PE. However, where this is not possible children will be given small pieces of tape to cover the earrings. Nose studs are not allowed. No other jewellery, except watches, may be worn in school.
