
The Spinney Primary School

Teaching and Learning Together

The Spinney Primary School

Teaching and Learning Together

Physical Education

Staying active is an important part of our curriculum. We encourage pupils to embrace a healthy and active life style from walking or cycling to school to sport competitions. We are fortunate to have a large field and playground that encourage pupils to play during breaktimes and lunchtimes. 


A progressive Physical Education (PE) programme is delivered to the pupils in accordance with the National Curriculum. We follow the Cambridgeshire PE Curriculum and broaden it with wider physical activities, including swimming from Y3-Y6. The Curriculum includes games such as football, netball, tennis, tag-rugby as well as dance, gymnastics and orienteering.


For health and safety reasons children must have a complete change of clothes for P.E., i.e. a change of top, a pair of shorts and a change of shoes (see uniform information below). 

Please inform the school if, for any reason, your child cannot take part in P.E. lessons
