The Spinney Primary School
Teaching and Learning Together
At Spinney Primary we want our pupils to be strong mathematicians who work confidently and independently solving a variety of different mathematical problems they come across through their life. The basic skills of mathematics are vital for the life opportunities of our children. Our aim is for all the children to think mathematically, enabling them to reason and solve problems in a range of contexts. We aim for our pupils to be able to confidently talk about their learning in mathematics using the appropriate vocabulary and make as much progress as they can.
Our mathematics curriculum is sequenced using the White Rose scheme to give a clear framework to match the national curriculum expectations. Using the scheme to plan for our pupils, we ensure every child can achieve excellence in mathematics. We complement the White Rose scheme with lots of other resources to further support reasoning, problem solving and investigation. We hope that our children can experience a sense of excitement and wonder as they solve problems, discover different solutions and make links between different areas of mathematics. The curriculum provides pupils with a deep understanding of the subject through a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. This ensures pupils fully understand what they are learning and can take independence of their learning.
Please take a look at the whole school curriculum overview below.
Further details about the curriculum can be found in the Medium term plans on class pages.