The Spinney Primary School
Teaching and Learning Together
Online Resources.
Below are links to a number of online resources we use in school. If you require a reminder of your child's log in details, please email the school office.
Bug Club
Bug Club is a finely-levelled reading scheme, which ensures that all children can find books at exactly the right level for them. What’s more, there are online versions for every printed title and a personalised website for each child.
Using the online reading world If you have access to an internet connection, your child can enjoy reading Bug Club books online as well as in print. Each child has a unique homepage, and can log into it by following these steps:
1. Go to
2. Enter your login details.
3. Your child’s homepage will appear.
Letter-join is a handwriting scheme we use in all classes. Pupils can log in to the Lettr-join website at home on iPads, tablets and computers, there you will find the same, easy-to-use handwriting resources that we use in school.
To log in visit
Numbots is an interactive online resource for children in KS1. Numbots helps children master their multiplication and division facts, teach addition, subtraction and number bonds in a fun, gamified way.
To log in with your child's unique user details visit
Purple Mash
Purple Mash is an online resource that supports our computing curriculum. Pupils can use the resource at home to create and develop their own projects.
To log in visit
TT Rockstars
TT Rockstars website allows pupils to practice their times tables with a competitive element. When you log on, you can select different areas known as arenas to complete a range of times table challenges. To log in visit